Setting Up a System User Token for WhatsApp
A System User Token is a secure way to connect your WhatsApp account to Insight Goat AI. It grants Insight Goat AI access to your WhatsApp account through a System User in the Meta Business Suite.
Step 1: Access Meta Business Suite
First, log in to your Meta Business Suite and click on Settings.
Step 2: Create a System User
Click on the Users tab.
Select System Users.
Click on the Add button.
Step 3: Configure Your System User
Enter a name for the System User.
Assign the Admin role.
Click Create.
Step 4: Assign Assets to Your System User
Click on your newly created System User.
Under Assigned Assets, click on Add Assets.
Select Apps from the left menu, then choose your WhatsApp Business app. In the permissions section, select Full Access.
Next, click on WhatsApp Accounts, select your WhatsApp account, choose Full Access in the permissions section, and click Assign Assets.
Step 5: Generate Your Token
After assigning assets to your System User, you can now generate a token. Click on the Generate Token button on the same page.
You’ll see several options, but make sure to include all whatsapp_business permissions.
Once generated, copy the token and paste it into the WhatsApp setup page within Insight Goat AI.
If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out! 😊