Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is the whitelabel truly a whitelabel? Yes! Our branding will not appear anywhere in your setup.

  2. What do the whitelabel settings look like? (Click to zoom!)

  3. Can I rebrand the dashboard using CNAME? Absolutely! You can customize the URL from app.insightgoat.ai to any name of your choice.

  4. Can I customize the dashboard logo and colors? Yes! You can upload your own logo and choose your primary color to match your brand.

  5. Can I rename the product? Yes! You can rename Insight Goat AI to anything you like, such as "ChatMagic."

  6. Can I rebrand the automatic emails sent by Insight Goat AI? Yes! By providing your own SMTP settings, all your emails will be rebranded accordingly.

  7. Can I change the whitelabel settings after setup? Yes! You can easily update all aspects of your whitelabel configuration.

  8. Do I have to pay fees for my clients? No! There are no additional fees for your clients. You unlock whitelabel access for a set price through our marketplace or by purchasing directly from our website.

  9. I just paid for whitelabel; what should I do next? Start setting it up! Check out this video: Setting Up Whitelabel.

  10. How many clients can use my whitelabel setup? Unlimited.

  11. How many workspaces can I create? Unlimited.

  12. Do you handle the payments my clients make? No, we do not manage payments. You can handle these externally without us taking a cut.

  13. How will my clients sign up? Your clients can sign up through the signup page or via an invitation link that you can create from within the dashboard.

  14. My emails weren't rebranded; what should I do? This could be because you are still using the dashboard from app.insightgoat.ai. When you use your whitelabel dashboard, emails will be automatically rebranded.

  15. I just saw Insight Goat AI branding in the dashboard; what should I do? Our goal is to provide a true whitelabel experience. As an admin, you will have access to your whitelabel settings, which may show Insight Goat AI branding. However, if your clients see the branding while logged into their whitelabeled dashboard, please contact us at support@insightgoat.ai, and we will resolve the issue promptly.

Last updated